Daring to Hope
Irish Religious Sisters Embracing the Unknown (1923 - 2023)
Photographic Exhibition

Our Story
The Daring to Hope photographic exhibition is a social history project reflecting the journey of Irish Religious Sisters in Ireland and overseas between 1923-2023. Throughout the last 100 years, the focus of Sisters was to go where there was the most need.
In the early years, young women typically entered a religious congregation in their teens in a very different Ireland when the Catholic Church held sway in family homes. At that time, there were limited paths and few freedoms for women in Irish society. Inspired by Gospel values, they worked alongside committed colleagues to build and staff schools and hospitals and developed social services that responded to urgent societal need.
The initiative and courage of those Sisters continues today, as is evident in the pioneering responses and commitment of Sisters and their colleagues to “the Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor” (Pope Francis, Laudate Si:49), both in Ireland and overseas.
Through images and videos, this exhibition begins to tell that story. We encourage you to browse this site as we share that journey.
Exhibition Era's
The story is shared in three era's: Pioneering Ministries (1923-1965); Era of Great
Change (1966-2000); and Ongoing Ministries (2001-2023)

Following political independence, the Catholic Church played a central role in the subsequent State-building project. Many Religious Sisters were engaged in various key roles during both World Wars, working as nurses and doctors, home-help, builders, researchers, teachers/trainers, food producers, refuge providers, etc.

The impact of the Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) was evident in seismic changes within the Catholic Church. Many religious Sisters moved out of their large convents to live in the local community. Simultaneously, they changed from wearing religious habits to the simpler dress of the day.

Vocations to religious life throughout the western world continue to decrease in contrast to Asia, Africa and South America. Despite this, with dedicated (alongside) colleagues, Sisters continue to respond to the “cry of the earth, and the cry of the poor” (Pope Francis, Laudate Si:49).
Daring to Hope Photographic Exhibition
The video features Sr. Denise Boyle fmdm, a member of the exhibition project coordinating group, introducing the history of the exhibition and describes the three eras that begin to unfold the story of Irish Religious Sisters.
View Our Gallery
Additional photographs received for the exhibition in addition to those on the banners are available to view in our gallery.
Click the button below to view.